Flask is a cute little Flutter app you can use to order items from the Computer Science House internet-connected vending machines! Currently, it's only available on Android, but thanks to Flutter, I'm working on getting iOS support soon!

I also made this nifty little logo for it (I'm pretty proud of this!):

Flask is written in Flutter and uses the latest and greatest in Material Design 3 / Material You design language! It even picks it's theme colors from your phone's settings on Android 12 and later!
# Downloading
You can try out Flask by downloading it from the Google Play Store or by building it yourself!
To build Flask, check out the README file.
# Features
Right now, you can use Flask to drop drinks, filter by machine (or all machines), log in with OIDC, and view item pricing.
Flask uses OIDC to authenticate you using your Computer Science House computer account. It opens a browser and asks you to log in to your account, then redirects you back to the app.
In the future, I want to add item editing for drink admins and also make it possible to view how many credits are in your account, but first I needs to figure out how best to fit those in the UI.
# Name
To avoid confusion / conflicts with the web framework of the same name, Flask is called devin
in code, after the flask fan of the same name.